Pediatric Dentistry

A lifetime of good oral health begins during infancy, even before the first teeth emerge. Getting children to the dentist early establishes good dental habits for years to come.

The sooner children begin getting regular dental checkups, the healthier their mouths will stay throughout their lives. Early checkups help prevent cavities that may cause pain and make it difficult to concentrate. Healthy teeth help children to chew food easily, learn to speak clearly, and smile with confidence.

Children Dentistry

The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics say that every child should visit a dentist by age 1 – or as soon as the first tooth appears. This “well baby visit” teaches parents and caregivers how to care for their children’s teeth and help them remain cavity-free.

For example, pediatric dentists see many young patients with cavities that come from falling asleep with a bottle of milk or juice. The dentist can tell the parent or caregiver:

Top Reasons For Protecting Baby Teeth

Protecting baby teeth sets up the best chances for your child to have good dental health in the future. From even before the very first tooth comes through, you should begin cleaning your child’s mouth. Those habits have many benefits, such as:

Why children’s dental visits are important

Your child must visit the dentist as early as possible, so that they can grow up feeling comfortable with visiting the dentist. To do so, you must remain calm and never use the dentist as a threat or punishment, as this only displays visiting the dentist as something negative. This will only turn your child off wanting dental checkups for a healthy mouth.

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Top Reasons For Protecting Baby Teeth

Even before your infant begins teething, you should be wiping their gums to clean away harmful bacteria.

You should be brushing your child’s teeth twice a day with a wet cloth or soft bristled small toothbrush, from when the first tooth comes through. It is also important to begin flossing once there are two teeth that connect with one another.

It is important to clean your child’s teeth until they are about seven years of age, when they can brush their teeth themselves, however you should still supervise them. If your child wants to brush themselves before this age, let them as they will have fun.

Frequently Asked Questions

The dentist examines the teeth for signs of early decay, monitors orthodontic concerns, tracks jaw and tooth development, and provides a good resource for parents. In addition, the pediatric dentist has several tools at hand to reduce the child’s risk for oral health problems, such as topical fluoride and sealants.

The pediatric dentist will demonstrate good brushing and flossing techniques, advise parents on dietary issues, provide strategies for thumb sucking and pacifier cessation, and communicate with the child on his or her level.

When molars emerge (usually between two and three years old), the dentist may coat them with a dental sealant. This sealant covers the hard-to-reach fissures on the molars, sealing out bacteria, food particles, and acid. This may last for many months or many years, depending on the dental habits of the child. A sealant is an important tool in the fight against tooth decay.
Though most parents primarily think of brushing and flossing when they hear the words “dental care,” good preventative care includes many more factors. Examples are diet, general oral hygiene, and sippy cup use.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children start seeing a dentist every six months by their first birthday or once their first tooth emerges.
Primary, or “baby,” teeth are important for many reasons. Not only do they help children speak clearly and chew naturally, they also aid in forming a path that permanent teeth can follow when they are ready to grow in.

It is important to remember that oral health affects more than the health of your teeth. Cavities in baby teeth cause pain and swelling that can be tremendously uncomfortable for your child. Oral infections can enter the blood stream and lead to other serious health problems. Bacteria can quickly ‘jump’ from one part of the mouth to another, thus resulting in infections and cavities in emerging adult teeth.
The sooner the better! Starting at birth, clean your child’s gums with a soft infant toothbrush or clean washcloth and water. Parents should use a very tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste (too much fluoride can make a baby sick) to brush baby teeth twice daily as soon as they start to grow with a soft, age-appropriate sized toothbrush.

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