Monday - Friday 7AM - 7PM

Saturday 9AM - 3PM

(801) 785 - 8000

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throughout Utah

Understanding Jaw Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Diseno sin titulo 5 - Professional Dental

Jaw pain is a common concern that affects many adults, leading to chronic discomfort and impacting daily activities. If you’re experiencing jaw or facial pain, it’s essential to understand the potential causes, symptoms, and treatment options available to you. At Professional Dental in Utah, we are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal dental health and alleviate any discomfort you may be facing.

The Connection Between Cancer and Dental Health

Diseno sin titulo - Professional Dental

Cancer treatments can significantly impact various parts of the body, including your oral health. If you have received a cancer diagnosis, it’s reassuring to know that there are proactive measures you can take to protect your teeth and gums throughout your treatment journey.

Why Did My Teeth Change Color?

Mesa de trabajo 1 3 - Professional Dental

If you’re considering tooth whitening, it’s essential to understand how it works. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the tooth whitening process.

Oral Cancer Signs

2 6 - Professional Dental

Oral cancer can present itself through various symptoms, and early detection is crucial for effective treatment.

I Brush My Teeth Twice a Day, So Why Do I Still Get Cavities?

2 5 - Professional Dental

As many individuals strive to form healthier habits while working from home—such as eating better, exercising more, and practicing self-reflection—we often encounter patients who ask:
“I brush my teeth twice a day, so why do I still get cavities?”